Adwords Editor How to Upload New Ad Sets

If you've used Google Ads for whatsoever amount of fourth dimension, you've probably used Google Ads Editor. It's a desktop application that's invaluable for managing campaigns and making bulk changes.

So how can y'all make the best use of this tool and all of the features information technology entails?

In this guide, you'll discover everything you need to get started with Google Ads Editor, use bones features, create new builds offline, and more.

What is Google Ads Editor?

Google Ads Editor is an offline editor for your Google Ads accounts.

Instead of making changes directly in the online UI, you can make them offline in Editor and then post in majority.

Advertisers can also piece of work across multiple accounts simultaneously using Editor.

How Google Ads Editor Got Started

In the early on days of Google Ads (formerly called Google AdWords), all we had was the online interface.

I started managing Google Ads campaigns every bit an in-house PPC manager in 2002, and it was then successful for usa that we speedily expanded our account to represent all our products.

Managing so many campaigns rapidly became unwieldy. Whatsoever changes nosotros made went alive immediately – there was no manner to review the work before it became active.

And there was no style to make bulk changes. Everything had to be edited by hand, i change at a time.

We actually hired an intern to help u.s. make pricing updates in our ads.

In early 2006, Google Ads Editor (and then called AdWords Editor) rolled out.

Search marketers everywhere rejoiced. Finally, bulk editing was going to be a lot easier.

Why an Offline Editor?

Information technology turns out that Google Ads had been using a version of Editor internally for a while. Advertisers could send majority changes to their reps, and the reps used Editor to make the changes.

Google finally realized information technology would be more than efficient if advertisers could brand majority changes themselves.

Editor was a benefaction for advertisers as accounts grew more complex.

Getting Started With Google Ads Editor

To utilise Google Ads Editor, showtime, download it from Google Ads.

Once you download the tool, you'll be prompted to log in and download your Google Ads accounts from your My Client Center (MCC).

Accounts manager of Google Ads Editor. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, October 2021

The Accounts Managing director shows all the accounts in your MCC, along with an optimization score, stats on the terminal date updated, and any errors.

Simply select the account you want to work on and click "Open" to download it into Editor.

Using Google Ads Editor: The Basics

In one case the business relationship is downloaded, you'll see the chief screen:

Main screen of Google Ads Editor. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, October 2021

Ane of the things I love nearly Editor is you tin see your entire account at a glance, and easily expand or collapse various elements like campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords.

In the left nav, you lot'll see all your campaigns, along with an icon indicating the entrada type:

Google Ads Editor left navigation showing campaign type. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, October 2021

The magnifying glass indicates a search campaign, and the video camera indicates a YouTube entrada. There is also an icon for display campaigns.

You tin search for a campaign in the left navigational carte du jour past typing a search term or entrada proper noun into the Search Campaign box at the top.

In that location's also an icon to tell y'all whether the account has been synced.

Syncing is important to make certain y'all've imported any changes made straight in Google Ads into Google Ads Editor.

We'll talk about syncing later in this article.

To expand a campaign and view its ad groups, simply click on the arrow to the left of the campaign name:

Left navigation on Google Ads Editor showing expanded campaign. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, October 2021

Now y'all tin run into all the ad groups within the campaign.

Below the top left menu is where you can find other elements of your Google Ads business relationship, such as keywords, ads, targeting, etc.:

Full left navigation of Google Ads Editor. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, Oct 2021

Selecting a campaign or ad grouping in the top left will change the data in the bottom – you'll just see info for the selected campaign.

This business relationship has a total of five campaigns, 16 ad groups, 750 keywords and targeting, and 91 ads.

When you select an chemical element from the lower left, you'll see details in the center and right-manus section of Editor:

Selecting an element in Google Ads Editor. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, Oct 2021

In this example, I've selected "Ad groups" for the unabridged account.

In the eye, I tin can run across all the advertising groups, along with their status (green dot for agile, hash marks for paused).

On the right, I can select an ad group and brand edits to any of the fields shown.

Selecting multiple elements (in this instance, advertizing groups) allows you to make bulk changes all at once.

Let's say I wanted to update all the bids for every advertizement group in the unabridged account to the aforementioned amount. I simply select all the advertisement groups in the center, and and so make the change in the correct:

Updating multiple bids at once in Google Ads Editor. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, October 2021

Then enter the desired bid in the Default Max CPC box shown above, which will update all the advert group bids to the same amount.

You can make a myriad of bulk edits this manner.

Let's say I wanted to update all the concluding URLs for every advertisement in each campaign to the same URL.

Updating multiple ads in Google Ads Editor. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, Oct 2021

First, select the campaign in the left nav, as seen in number ane, in a higher place.

Next, select Ads and so the blazon of ads you desire to update in the lower-left nav, as seen in number two. (Note that you'll need to edit each ad type separately: RSA, ETA, Dynamic Search, etc.)

Then, select all the ads in the center section, every bit seen in number three.

Finally, change the Terminal URL to the new URL in the right nav as seen in number four.

Posting Your Changes

Yous may exist reading this and thinking, "I can do all of these things in the online Google Ads UI. Why would I use this Editor?"

The difference is that changes made in the online UI go live immediately.

As mentioned before, the peachy matter about using Google Ads Editor is that your changes are all made offline. This allows you to check your work for errors earlier information technology goes live.

We've all fabricated a change that nosotros've had to go back and undo – and sometimes this is a daunting task. Using Editor greatly reduces the chance for fault.

Training New Hires

I dear using Editor to train new hires. Non only is it piece of cake to come across and understand the account structure in Editor, merely information technology helps with QA-ing the piece of work of a trainee.

Changes made in Editor live on the user's local device until they're posted to Google Ads. They're not visible to other users of the Google Ads account.

If you're working alongside the trainee in person, you tin physically wait at their changes in Editor before they're pushed live.

If you're training someone remotely, you tin can have them upload their changes in a paused state, import them to your local Editor, and check them – so modify the condition to Active.

To postal service changes yous've made in Editor, click Mail service in the upper correct-hand corner, and so Post in the dialog box:

Posting changes made in Editor. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, October 2021

Exist certain to select All Campaigns or Selected Campaigns to mail the right changes.

Need to disengage a change? There's an Undo button in a higher place the eye department:

How to undo changes in Editor. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, Oct 2021

Just exist sure to Undo before posting the changes; once changes are posted, they can't be undone from Editor.

View and Edit Settings

Google Ads Editor is bang-up for viewing and editing campaign settings. I talked about using Editor to audit settings in an before commodity, 10 Tips for a Fresh Kickoff Subsequently a Google Ads Business relationship Takeover.

Settings in editor. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, October 2021

Filtering in Google Ads Editor

If y'all work in large Google Ads accounts, it may exist overwhelming to look at the entire account all at once, especially if in that location are a lot of paused campaigns.

Here's what I see when I kickoff open one of our enterprise accounts:

Google Ads Editor showing large Google Ads accounts. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, Oct 2021

The entire screen is filled with paused campaigns. Non helpful if I'm trying to work on agile campaigns.

That's where filters come in.

You lot can create a filter for just about anything:

Creating filters in Google Ads Editor. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, Oct 2021

That's only through the I's in the alphabet!

Ane filter I use a lot is a filter that shows me but enabled entities: campaigns, ad groups, keywords, etc.:

Filter that shows only enabled entities: campaigns, ad groups. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, October 2021

This filter is invaluable for working in large accounts with a lot of paused entities.

To create a filter, select your options and click the Salve icon:

Select filter options and save. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, October 2021

Import Statistics Into Google Ads Editor

We've covered a lot of ways to view your Google Ads account and make changes.

At this signal, y'all may be thinking, "This is all fine, but if I'm working on my account, wouldn't I want to meet performance data?"

Yes, you would, and yes yous tin can!

Google Ads Editor has a View Statistics characteristic that allows you to import performance stats.

view statistics Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, October 2021

None is selected by default, simply when you click on Get statistics, yous have several options:

A Complete Guide to Google Ads Editor Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, October 2021

You tin choose your date range at the tiptop left, and then select any statistics you want to view in Editor. Y'all tin can also relieve the set of stats to view later.

Viewing stats in Google Ads Editor allows you to brand optimization decisions, just like you would in the online UI.

Here I've selected all the stats in the Operation drop-downwardly:

A Complete Guide to Google Ads Editor Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, October 2021

Brand sure to check the box side by side to the campaigns for which you want to view stats, in the left-hand section.

Create New Builds in Google Ads Editor

One of the nearly useful features of Google Ads Editor is the ability to create new builds offline.

Unlike the online UI, where any uploads become live immediately unless yous set their status to Paused, uploads in Editor don't activate until you mail them.

This allows you to check your work and fifty-fifty have someone else bank check your piece of work earlier yous post.

Many PPC managers use Excel to develop campaigns, advertizement groups, keywords, and ad re-create.

Excel is the ideal tool for entrada development considering information technology's easy to sort, filter, organize, and measure the length of each field.

Just make sure your Excel sheet has the correct cavalcade headings, and y'all can easily import your new campaigns to Editor.

I like to first a new build with keywords. You tin create new campaigns and ad groups in Editor at the aforementioned time yous create keywords.

Here are the column headings I use:

upload column headings Screenshot from Excel, October 2021

Y'all could as well add columns for condition, bid, and other relevant fields.

To upload from your spreadsheet, navigate to Keywords in the left column of Google Ads Editor, and then click Make multiple changes.

Adding keywords and making multiple changes. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, October 2021

From there, you can just copy and paste from Excel. As long as your column headings exactly match the entity name in Editor, Editor will pick them upward and know what they are.

Make certain My information includes columns for campaigns and/or ad groups is selected, then click Paste from clipboard.

Adding keywords to Google Ads Editor. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, October 2021

And then check to make sure everything pasted properly and click Process. Y'all'll have a hazard to review your changes before posting them to Google Ads.

You can utilise the Make multiple changes feature to upload elements to existing campaigns and ad groups, too. There are two means to practise this.

Commencement, you tin can follow the steps above, using the exact entrada and ad group names in the account. Editor will recognize these as existing and add together the new keywords, ads, or other elements to the correct identify.

Alternately, you lot can choose Use selected destinations in the upper left of the Make multiple changes menu.

Opting to use selected destinations. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, Oct 2021

Select the ad group(s) or campaign(due south) you want to add elements to, then paste and process.

Google Ads Editor allows yous to bank check your changes prior to posting. You can check for errors and fix them before y'all post.

Check changes before posting. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, October 2021

Find and Replace

One of my favorite features of Google Ads Editor is the notice and replace part.

Find and replace text function. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, October 2021

Yous can replace text, suspend text, modify capitalization, or change URLs.

Replace text is useful if y'all demand to change a word or phrase in ad copy or keywords, or fifty-fifty in naming conventions for campaigns and advertisement groups.

Append text is especially helpful if you need to append URL tracking parameters to a URL or entity name.

Change capitalization allows you to change to title case, sentence case, or all lower case.

Alter URLs is a corking tool that allows you lot to set URLs, append text to URLs, or remove a URL parameter.

Change URLs tool in Google Ads Editor. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, October 2021

Important Reminders

Whew! I hope past at present you can see the power of Google Ads Editor. There are so many things y'all can exercise with it.

Hither are a few of import things to retrieve when using Google Ads Editor.

Earlier offset an Editor session, exist sure to get recent changes!

Recollect, Google Ads Editor is an offline editor. It won't know if changes were made to your Google Ads business relationship by you lot or others in the online UI unless you get recent changes:

get recent changes Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, October 2021

Google is pretty good about calling attending to the Get recent changes button to remind you, as seen above. Even so, make a habit of always clicking this as soon as y'all open the app, no affair what.

Don't forget to mail whatsoever changes you've made earlier closing the Google Ads Editor app. I'm sure every PPC manager has forgotten to do this at least once and and then wondered why the changes weren't live in their business relationship.

You lot'll still desire to work in the online UI for many tasks.

Editor won't replace reporting, viewing graphs, checking billing, and many other features available in the online UI.

Utilize both Google Ads Editor and the online UI for maximum efficiency.

Editor has a lot of annoying error letters that aren't "fatal" errors.

Seeing a bunch of yellow assertion error messages in Google Ads Editor tin can be unnerving.

Error messages on Google Ads Editor. Screenshot from Google Ads Editor, October 2021

Think of these less similar "errors" and more like "reminders."

This instance is in an business relationship that makes all-encompassing use of modified broad match. It'southward a large account where we haven't switched everything over to phrase friction match yet.

Information technology's good to have the reminder to make the switch just seeing a bunch of exclamation points can be scary.

Note that red mistake messages are indeed fatal errors that will demand to be fixed immediately.

Now that yous empathize how to use Google Ads Editor, I hope you make information technology a regular part of your PPC management workflow.

More Resources:

  • 7 Powerful Benefits of Using PPC Advertising
  • eight Simple Google Ads Tips That Will Make You More Money
  • PPC 101: A Complete Guide to PPC Marketing Nuts

Featured image: Iconic Bestiary/Shutterstock


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